Diana B. – English
Stop! Not everyone can afford this. Take us into consideration for once.
Angel G. – English
What do they do with the old batteries? As someone who uses landscaping tools, I can say that the battery-powered blowers have no power. God forbid you forget to charge it; you’re left using a broom. Electric landscaping tools and cars are not practical at all.
Veronica T. – English
Stop making decisions that hurt the community for financial gains.
Felipe L. – English
The excessive use of electricity and gas will affect our community.
Alejandro G. – English
An idea that still needs to mature, because they need to address the problems arising with electric cars, which are proving to be inefficient and problematic. Now, if they go ahead and stop the cargo trucks, there would not only be problems with the trucks but with the economy as a whole.
Esperanza B. – English
They, in their mansions and with their money, just give orders, but the working class, which is the majority, lives paycheck to paycheck. We need to transform the world, not disrupt it. Common sense, please.
Katia A. – English
These new laws are destroying the livelihoods of many people who are about to lose the only tool we have to support our families. And it goes without saying that this will severely impact the economy in California; without a doubt, the consequences will be felt on a large scale.
Yolanda G. – English
These regulations have already gone beyond the limit. The community depends on food on every table. Stop crushing the middle class even more; we all are humans, and we all depend on each other.
Seanna N. H. – English
I’m always getting messages from my power company, “Due to excessive use, power outages will occur.” So, your going to tell me California’s power grid is magically going to be ready for electric vehicles, electric stoves?
Georgina D. – English
They could affect millions of families whose income depends on this work, and that would be a tragedy because of everything that would come down on those families.